About ISGS

Over the last 15 years, the ICGS has emerged as the key scientific meeting in the field of Glaucoma with the highest scientific calibre and offers an opportunity for immediate skill transfer from some of the most gifted glaucoma surgeons across the globe.

The world of glaucoma surgery is fast evolving and requires keen cooperation and harmonization between research, device innovations, and technical refinements in the surgical management of glaucoma.

The prime focus of the ICGS is glaucoma lasers and surgery; however it endeavours to incorporate all aspects of glaucoma care, including epidemiology, diagnostics and medical therapy in order to be increasingly relevant to the glaucoma practitioner. This unique scientific meeting generates great enthusiasm and is renowned for garnering widespread interest and enrollment.

Our Annual Meetings include the International Congress on Glaucoma Surgery, ISGS Masterclasses and Advanced Surgical Wetlab Courses.